Sexually, I have always believed that I am mostly straight, not even with the slightest bisexual bent, but basically straight. I had come to believe that women lead men on by telling them that they will play with other women or that they are "bi", promising entertainment for the future that may or may not appear.

(See what I meant about duplicitous and sneaky?)
However, if someone has asked me if I am straight, bi...whatever...I have always answered, with this..."I am sexual, and my sexuality is usually expressed with men." On rare occasions, there is that unique woman that elicits the same response in me. I have to say, on the practical side, does it seem smart to eliminate half of the population from consideration because of a few preconceived notions of one's sexuality? Besides...for me, it is primarily about attraction to the person. (Mostly, that attraction is to a truly dominant person.)
~~Takes a deep breath and dives through the looking glass~~
When I was very new here on sl, I had come to Dark Den as a switch. While wandering around there, I met a slave girl named beast. She was very charming, and very clever...I was enchanted, and I remain so, as I have said in previous posts.

Beast has another side, that of La Presidente. I was afraid that La Presidente might be a different kind of person to the sweet and charming girl I knew as beast. The dark side, if you will. I was afraid that my previous encounters with beast might influence La Presidente to act in a manner that would dash my favorable impression. Though I was a bit intimidated by her, I was still drawn, and inspite of her frequent mention of my shoes when I was in a private residence...a deep friendship has developed.
All I can say is this...I am a very lucky girl. I cannot believe that lightning has struck twice; with two facets of the same person. There are parts of me that are blossoming.
I cannot find the words...
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